There are only two choices in life …


We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary!

So… its totally been a minute since I posted last. I hope you had a fantastic summer full of harvests succulent abundance, colorful sunsets at the beach, and potlucks filled to the brim with friendship and laughter.


Things are super “well” over here on our side of the woods. My husband Nathaniel and I are getting ready to tour over to Europe (our second tour over the pond, whoohooo), to the South of France, then Paris, and Belgium. I am so pumped.

We leave next Tuesday September 22nd – October 2nd. Tomorrow we go to Madison, Wisconsin for two shows (one occurs at 7PM tomorrow night at The Frequency, then a House Show on Thursday night.

In addition to packing and preparing for upcoming shows including one in South Bend, IN on October 16th 2015, I have found time to pair down more stuff.

love, sweet love.

Over the past 3 years I have set the intention to own the things that bring joy or have great seeded functionality in my life and our lives together.
This is the path to minimalism that I am overjoyed by. It is in my very nature to feel free and getting ride of dead weight feels so freeing. (plus its almost autumn and a good cleaning of my drawers feels right on par, as change literally blows in though my window.)
Now we have  set out to own the basics. I mean did you know one can survive and actually thrive with only three cooking pans. Yeah, thats right only three. So we own our oatmeal pot which is really a 3-qt. covered sauté pan, a 8″ omelette/sauté pan, and my very favorite wedding gift the, “Le Creuset Signature Enameled Cast Iron 4.5 Qt. Round French Oven – in the Tiffany Blue color.
Seriously, you could do away with all other pots except for these three and you would be golden.
Here is our Le Creuset – I could not resist sharing a pic, what a great pot.
Le Creuset Signature Enameled Cast Iron 4.5 Qt. Round French Oven - Blue
Of course we have a few other items that we just love and must keep like all of our touring musical gear, and my Mom’s 1980’s sweatshirt that says Hawaii ( it’s just so soft, brings me tons of joy, and I have loved it since I was 10, what a keeper) Hummm… I should so post a pic of me wearing that soon.
Anyways, I digress, so on the front line of purging my things, and my husband’s things
I gotta say that ditching the old to make space for new adventures, opportunities, and abundance feels great!

As I gear up to leave for the second part of our tour I have allowed myself some good pondering time, you know about life, and its purpose, ext. 😉

And this is what I realized recently…

As I am on the cusp of gathering old things remembered and allowing new things into my life this theory arose.

“There are only two choices in life, fear or love.”

This idea reminded me that everything I need is already inside of me as it is in you. That everything I supposedly own I am just renting from God then one day when my soul returns home the things I owned or thought I owned on earth will go back to the earth and others will use it. Its really liberating when you think about it.

“Both you and I must choose for ourselves. There are only two options in this life, love or fear.”
Day to day we must do what suits/is in alignment with our “higher self” the Self you desire to become.
Whatever that looks like to you – you’ll know in your heart then choose based off of that image of you. The you you desire to become – the you that you desire to transform into.
Most people talk about life as if we are here to discover new things however rather we are here to remember who we were in our soul before we came here and re-connect with our soul, the highest version of our self, with ego removed, and false-ideologies removed.
Back to our purer more loving selves. It is about refining our hearts so we will be ready to meet our creator in heaven because “God” ( who is a very loving God, loves us no matter what)
We can either choose to live in hell on earth or heaven on earth, its a shift in choice and perspective. I know what your thinking well what about the people who are starving to death, or are in the midst of massive war heaving there families from their homes… I know your thinking about this because I think about this, and to tell you the truth sorrow, suffering, and despair are happening all around us.
This saddens me to no end. However, choosing to be real with yourself and doing the best you can to choose love even amidst grave crisis will help. Love beckons, love fear beckon’s fear. It is important to choose love to pray for those who need our help, and take loving actions to help them be safe.
We have thoughts, that become words, and words that become actions. If we make sure our thoughts are rooted in love, then our words will sprout into love filled words, and our actions will make a loving impact on those who need us most. 
So, we must all choose wisely. With a collective consiousness towards “God” who is Love. Lets ask ourselves
“What would love do in this situation?”
We must first love our selves in order to love our neighbors as our-self. It takes a second to choose love over fear. This choice occurs thousands of times daily. And if made properly we can transform our world by a tiny shift towards a more loving perspective.
Shine ON from somewhere near lots of green grass in the United States of America///

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